A focus on People

We envision a society where those most at risk of being left behind are fully empowered, more resilient, and live a life of dignity. We do this by working directly with vulnerable urban and peri-urban communities to identify and co-create solutions to the challenges they face. An important step in this is strengthening the advocacy capacities of poor and …

Empowered and resilient low-income communities living in dignity and prosperity.

Mukuru Special Planning Area - Implementation Phase

Mukuru has deplorable water and sanitation conditions with only 3,863 pit latrines serving 100,561 families. This dire lack of services prompted NCCG to commence an integrated planning process aimed at improving living conditions by providing necessary infrastructure and services. The planning process for this sector is now complete and detailed water and sanitation infrastructure designs have been developed and approved by the county. One of the short-term objectives of the plan is to provide piped water and water-borne sanitation to every plot (every ten households) and a prepaid dispenser for every 100 households.

Our programmes are organized around the following three thematic clusters

Access to Basic services

Riparian planning

Improved livelihoods

Trading to Eat
Blue Economy

Social cohesion

Mukuru People's Manifesto
Urban Fabric Initiative
Youth Empowerment

our  Impact  Spread

Strengthening the Dignity and Wellbeing
of the Invisible across Kenya

Mukuru Special Planning Area

Mukuru Kwa Njenga, Nairobi County

School Feeding Project

Public Schools in Mukuru, Nairobi

The Lixil Next Door Project


123 Anywhere Street, Kenya

South Carolina Data Center

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South Carolina Data Center

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South Carolina Data Center

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South Carolina Data Center

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South Carolina Data Center

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